Maybe just have a "Not Ready" button? That way the person would have to be reponsive to delay things. If there was no reponse from someone to the "Ready?" question, then it would not delay anything...
Maybe just have a "Not Ready" button? That way the person would have to be reponsive to delay things. If there was no reponse from someone to the "Ready?" question, then it would not delay anything...
Good Idea. As long as people were readied by default I wouldn't have a problem with it.
I was thinking alittle more on this today. A common problem is people leaving before everyone's ready...i'm sure it's happened at least a dozen times to everyone. An additional feature to the ready button could prevent the party from entering the mission before everyone has hit the "ready!" button. And what if there's an unreponsive person? Simple, you're still in town so you can kick that person out and request for someone new. (if it's the leader, than leave the group) As far as this option for groups going on quests...i'm not sure if it's really necessary